Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

What Sets Us Apart from All the Rest !

For those who are unfamiliar with our cage trapping products, you should known that these traps were created out of necessity.  Working in animal damage control for decades I was unsatisfied with what was offered in cage traps, so I invented, patented and built my own for my nuisance wildlife business.  Recognizing that there were three areas to address, trigger, door speed and durability, I addressed each issue separately until the goal was reached.  The patented wire trigger took care of the first issue in a trigger that works well on land, in water and under water, right side up, upside down, sideways and vertically.  The first in the industry to offer springs on the door itself, along with strong lock bar springs, we produced the fastest closing powered doors in the world, noticeably faster than any competitor.  Third, all aspects of the doors, trip rods and framing are made from solid rod as apposed to clip on components.  A three hundred pound man can stand these cages, while animals can not damage them.  Due to the configuration and strength of materials, these traps are all but escape proof, engineered with nothing to break, covering the “trifecta” of what it takes to make a superior product in the most versatile cage traps on the planet.  Because of the combination of features in the trigger and powered doors, these traps will do the same job required by longer traps, but do it better.   

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