Don’t be afraid to take on critters that have been getting the best of you. Regularly we get calls from land owners who have never seen or set a trap for beaver. Flooded land, along with trees that have either been taken down by beavers or are dying from the high water can often be remedied without much effort. Comstock Swim Through Beaver Cage Traps can do the job, while we are always available to provide the technical support to set the traps to help make it happen. These traps pose little threat to pests or people and are friendly to the trapper.
Just this week a first time trapper from Colorado solved his beaver problem in short order saying, “frankly I was amazed at how quickly I caught him.” We seen this scenario repeated all over the U.S. and Canada, first timers solving there own beaver problems with Comstock Beaver Cage Traps.
Thanks to Bob Jansma for the photo!