Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

Followup on Woodchucks, Score!

After finding a number of dens and a culvert, we set 8 double door 9x11x18 Comstock Cage Traps.  Actually one was a 24.  Anyway, in time we found that the previous company had attempted to trap the woodchucks on 3 separate occasions at this location.  It wasn’t until the 3rd try that they did capture 4.  It took many weeks and I am sure they did not make money even though they were payed what seems like a lot for what they accomplished.  At any rate, first morning we had a chuck by 8 a.m.  By the time I arrived at noon we had chuck number two.  Company number one scored 4 chucks in many weeks.  The manager of the property had told us he had, of late, been seeing two chucks.  We came in behind the competition and still scored 2 chucks in 18 hours!  The prosecution rests, for now.


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