Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

Comstock Swim Through Beaver Cage Traps, Features Sometimes Overlooked

After using these traps for the past 6 years there are aspects of these versatile user friendly traps that are simply overlooked, taken for granted or forgotten until others point them out.  Fred Lawrence from Washington just sent a great testimonial in which he mentioned that with the use of these under water cages he is not required by law to check them daily, but can now save a great deal of time since these traps require checking every 72 hours.  This provides more latitude when nuisance trapping

For fur trappers there are also advantages.  A body gripping, Conibear type trap, frequently leaves a small rub behind the neck where a patch of guard hair fur is missing.  With Comstock Beaver Cage Traps that does not happen.  Essentially each captured beaver is “perfect.”  There is no fur damage.

Fred mentions ease in setting and retrieving these traps.  At 82 he appreciates what could easily be taken for granted.  Getting older myself, it all helps.  Thanks for your support Fred.

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