Living vicariously through the experiences of hundreds of trappers across North America, with our connection to some many through our cage traps, it’s as if we are riding along on traplines in the U.S. and Canada every day. Adding to excitement is the digital age of photography along with the computer, there is no waiting for pictures to be developed and 5 day snail mail. We are able to share the pictures and stories with anyone interested in a matter of minutes.
The list of critters captured in the Comstock Line of Humane Live Cage Traps keeps growing. After first hearing about the success stories with the Comstock powered, double, bifold door cage traps for bobcats in Washington, we got another surprise. With no explanation, we received an email with a picture of what at a quick glance appeared to be a rather “scruffy looking bobcat.” A second look at the black muzzle told the story. Fred Lawrence and his partner, Rob Shogren, sent a couple of pictures of a Washington Cougar captured in a Comstock live cage trap. The young mountain lion was caught in the medium sized 10.5 x 21 x 36 Bifold Bobcat Cage Trap. Uninjured, the cat was released.
Other than one case of a bear messing up the cage wire on a swim through beaver trap a few years ago, after eating a beaver through the cage wire, Comstock cage traps have suffered no damage from animals. Even in the bear incident the framing, doors, trigger etc. was still intact so all that was required was some new wire to put the trap back in working order. Badgers, armadillos, big raccoons, woodchucks, 60+ pound beaver don’t escape and don’t break the triggering.