When the inspiration for the Comstock Swing Panel Cage Traps manifested itself, there was no thought of vertical setting. It was only after the fact that we realized the full potential these traps had and that it would be possible to use them in positive den sets placed vertically or where squirrels were climbing. We found out that one trapper had used them to catch rats in vertical sets using the 5x5x24 swing panel traps. For positive and vertical sets the smaller traps work best since the trigger panel is smaller and lighter. The smaller traps require less spring tension to hold the panel horizontally when the traps are used straight up and down.
The 5×5 and the 3×5 swing panel traps, of course, have smaller trigger panels than the 6×6, requiring less spring tension to hold the trigger in place in vertical sets. However, even the 6×6 can work vertically with a some alterations. The beauty in these incredibly simple devices is that they can be easily altered to do more and to fit more unusual situations, by adding springs, stretching springs or making the trigger less slippery. Its great to have traps that save time because of their versatility.
Other day I found holes in a soffit where gray squirrels had been climbing the corner of the home in two places. The 6×6 traps I had with me, as is, would not have remained in the set position if set vertically, so I added a spring, while at the same time stretched each spring an additional inch to add more pressure to the contact point so that the trap would remain set when placed upright. This alone proved to be enough to keep one of the traps set. The second trap was still barely slipping, so I added a small piece of tape to the trip rod / swing panel contact point, which did the trick. I used electrical tape, but a square of cloth tape might have been better yet. Others have used masking tape, just something to make the contact point rougher to stiffen the trigger.
The good news was both traps connected, catching the two gray squirrels living in the ceiling insulation the first night. The combination of powered doors and swing panel trigger along with the option to stiffen the trigger easily, makes these traps the most versatile in the world. Pan traps work in standard level situations, but as is often the case there may be no practical application for a pan trap. The swing panel traps will do all the pan can do and much more, offer options that were not possible a few short years ago. For ADC work it just means a time saver that puts money in your pocket.