Can’t believe two weeks has slipped by. Judy and I attended the Vermont Trappers Convention last weekend in Barton, not far from the Canadian Border. The weather was cool, trapping weather. Dale Duryea from Massachusetts gave a demo on Comstock Beaver Cage traps as well as bobcat traps.
We have had a few beaver jobs and continue towards the 500 mark in Comstock Beaver Cages, now at 465. Still running over 90% catches in our cages in our ADC work, the traps continue to amaze us in the success ratio.
New products are completed or in the works, but always take more time to come to fruition than hoped for. There are other projects and improvements in the pipeline to be revealed as soon as they are up and running.
Look for us to continue to set the pace and lead with the most advanced traps in the world.