Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

Panel Trigger Squirrel Trap Line

For those who have never seen or tried the new live squirrel traps with the swing panel trigger system and were comfortable with pan traps, here is the best way to think of these traps with the new trigger is a trap with a vertical pan.  The swing panel trigger is basically a pan trap with a pan that hangs from the roof of the trap that covers the entire opening inside the trap compartment, making it impossible for animals to pass through a trap without capture.. 

When comparing the two trigger systems,  a pan lies flat on the bottom of a trap, will perform only on flat or near flat surfaces and can be avoided.  Pans are often made from cage wire material.
On the other hand, the new swing panel trigger system available on squirrel, skunk, rabbit and feral cat traps, is also made from cage wire like pan traps, but in this case the “vertical pan” covers the entire opening and can not be avoided, while the traps will perform in any position, right side up, sideways and vertically.
Already, in a very short time, these traps have been described by many as “the best squirrel traps on the market” and “my go to squirrel trap.”  In time we believe this trigger simple, practical, functional trigger system will in fact all but replace pan type traps for these animals and others.
Without question these are the most advanced traps you can find to live trap squirrels, chipmunks etc.   
For humane capture of all types of animals, beavers,  raccoons, skunks, armadillos and many more,  there is a Comstock trap that will work in any situation.
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