Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

Important Omissions from a Recent Cage Trap Comparison Article

Recently there was an article written comparing our Comstock Cage Traps, a 9×11, to another brand of cage trap.  Due to numerous omissions, those who read the article might have been lead to believe that the traps were pretty much equal, which they are not.  Listed below are the all important, essential features and options unique to our traps, which simply make Comstock Cages a best choice for anyone in need of a reliable, escape proof trap.  A Georgia trapper who has used both traps simply said, “I need the very best traps I can get for my ADC business.  Yours are superior.”

Here are some of the features that were omitted from the article.
1-Unequalled Stability When Set
2-Varialbe Trigger Pressure
3-Sensitivity to go with Stability
4-Multiple Trigger Wires Evenly Spaced to Cover the Opening
5-Available in 12 Gage Wire
6-Traps that will Never Hang Fire because both Doors Drop from One Trig Rod
7-A Free Floating Door Suspended from the Roof of the Trap
8-Never a Hair Trigger
9-Trigger Can be Set for Longer or Shorter Travel from Either Direction
10-Door Wire Welded to Door Frame
11-Heavy Metal Banding Clips and 12 Gage Round Clips for Wire to Frame
12-Rectangular Traps, which mean Traps are Essentially a Trap of “Two Sizes”
13-Simplicity-Fewer Parts, Nothing to Foul
14-Better Prices
15-Unipricing-All Traps in a Category are Priced the Same
16-Smaller, Space Saving Traps to do the Same Job as Unnecessary Counterparts
There were other features mentioned in the article like, Comstock traps are made with internal components.  All of the triggering mechanism are inside the confines of the trap, nothing protruding beyond the confines of the trap.  The traps will not catch on brush in transit, when firing or in the vehicle.
Like the trapper in Georgia, I too use only the best products, no matter who makes them.  I don’t use our traps because we make them, but because they work better.        
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