We love to hear about the success stories from those using the newest addition to the Comstock Line in bobcat traps so that we can share info with those who may not know about the new products or are just waiting to see what others are catching before jumping in. With just a few traps inservice at this point, it’s wonderful to learn how well the traps are working.
The trigger system on each tall bobcat type trap in light enough to take crows and even blue jays. The guys using the B-1 type trap have caught 2 bobcats and some miscellaneous critters, while the guys using the B-2 just called to say that they caught 2 red fox, a fisher and several rabbits that had escaped the hunting pen, meaning the traps are paying off in more ways than they counted on. Not only are predator numbers reduced, but they are catching rabbit escapees.
Double door traps were set along the outside of the rabbit pens to take circling predators looking for easy entry points to take the rabbits inside. We had hypothesized about doing this for some time until recently, but now some local hunters put the plan to work. This set up will take bobcats, fisher, red and gray fox, raccoons, opossum, skunks etc., perhaps even a coyote, along with the rabbits. Catching the rabbits was something of a bonus no one had thought of. Once in the cage, they are protected from predators and can be returned to the inside.
What is positive financially through using these cages is that potentially destructive predators are removed from the area and can also be utilized for fur to offset the investment, while capturing and returning rabbits to the pen saves money on purchasing replacements.