Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

Beavers and Beavers

Though a Washington trapper has had a stretch of rough luck with nature and the elements, at least he had reliable cages that held up quite well under very unusual circumstances.

Glen, from Washington, got quite a surprise recently.  He had caught a beaver in a 12x18x39 Comstock Swim Through Beaver Cage Trap, with an unusual twist.  Glen suspected that the beaver was alive when captured, gaining the attention of a passing bear.  As it turned out, yes the bear did have his way with the beaver and eventually made a meal of him, but not exactly as you might think.  The interesting part is that the bear actually ate the beaver through the cage wire without breaking it, pulling the beaver through the wire piece by piece.  This was one of the early cages that Judy and made in our shop in New York a couple of years ago using 2×2, 12 gage wire.  Bottom line, though the cage wire was not in good shape, as you might suspect, the trigger unit and doors were fine, no damage.  Glen is to receive a section of cage wire to replace the bear damaged wire and will be able to bring the cage back to new.

Glen also had a beaver dam blow out of a culvert and take several of the Comstock cages with it.  At present, he found 2 that appeared to be in working order, now looking for the third.  

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