Traps that “Catch, Hold and Hold-Up,” "They just work!"

3 Hour Woodchuck

Mike posted on Facebook, a nice fat woodchuck taken in a Comstock multipurpose trap, the most versatile trap on the planet.  This is a double door, wire triggered trap, with powered doors and built in 3-way nose cone.  The trap will take animals coming or going, with setting time usually taking form 1 to 5 minutes.  With a three flap nose cone and bottom hole, the multipurpose trap can be set over a free standing den or den under a building or porch.  Because of the 3 flap system this trap will flush mount perpendicular to a den hole or sideways in either direction to fit those hard to accommodate locations where trees, rocks or whatever is in the way.

Mike set the trap as shown, a positive set, and had the chuck in 3 hours!  Though catches are not made this quickly every time, this is by no means unusual.  In fact, depending on time of day and time of year, it happens frequently.  I have captured chucks in as little as 5 minutes after placing a trap in this manner in a positive set!

You can accomplish the same thing with standard 9×11 double door Comstock trap used with either a metal nose cone or 3-way nose cone that come separately.    Some use flush mount double door traps too, which is just a trap with a recessed door, making 4 different ways to accomplish much of the same goals.


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