I probably sound like a broken record, but I get asked the same questions over and over again. The reason for writing today is because a new client told a story of a local ADC outfit that trapped for woodchucks for weeks with no results.  It was only after a second attempt that some woodchucks were caught, but the problem was not solved.  There were at least as many or more remaining.

When homeowners with woodchuck issues call a Nuisance Wildlife Trapper they often ask, “What kind of bait do you use, ” assuming of course that bait is required for success.  In fact, the opposite is true.  If the Trapper is quick to divulge what he uses to attract woodchucks he has tipped his hand.  What he is in fact admitting to is that he does no know about or use the most effective techniques available.  Baitless trapping has proven to be superior on many levels.

Today I was asked why baitless, positive sets are best.  “Do you have something against bait,” was the question.  With a few sentences I was able to make several key points.


1-Saves the expense of bait and or lure.

2-No maintaining fresh bait, rebating after it has been eaten or deteriorates.

3-Since there is no bait to attract, fewer non targeted animals are caught, saving time and money.  (Fewer by a huge margin)

4-Minus bait, the trapper goes to the animal, plays his game, rather than trying to make the animal play his game by coming to bait.